take a character vector and return a glue vector of valid bullet list items. When printed together, these bullet list items create a bullet list. This container block is rendered as the <ul> HTML tag, with each element of the vector creating a separate <li> tag. On venues supporting GitHub Flavored Markdown, this list will be specially rendered with the list item market replaces with a <input type="checkbox"> HTML tag.

md_task(x, check = NULL)



A character vector of task list items.


A optional numeric vector of list elements which should be checked off.


A glue vector with length equal to x.


GFM enables the tasklist extension, where an additional processing step is performed on list items.

A task list item is a list item where the first block in it is a paragraph which begins with a task list item marker and at least one whitespace character before any other content.

A task list item marker consists of an optional number of spaces, a left bracket, either a whitespace character or the letter x in either lowercase or uppercase, and then a right bracket.

When rendered, the task list item marker is replaced with a semantic checkbox element; in an HTML output, this would be an <input type="checkbox"> element.

If the character between the brackets is a whitespace character, the checkbox is unchecked. Otherwise, the checkbox is checked.

This spec does not define how the checkbox elements are interacted with: in practice, implementors are free to render the checkboxes as disabled or inmutable elements, or they may dynamically handle dynamic interactions (i.e. checking, unchecking) in the final rendered document.

See also

Other container block functions: md_bullet(), md_list(), md_order(), md_quote()


md_task(c("Wake up", "Eat Breakfast", "Brush Teeth"), check = c(1, 3))
#> * [x] Wake up
#> * [ ] Eat Breakfast
#> * [x] Brush Teeth