Take a character vector and prepend each element in a greater-than symbol to create a glue vector of block quote markdown text. This inline is rendered as a <blockquote> HTML tag.




The character vector of quotes.


A character vector with a greater-than symbol (>) prepended to each element.


A block quote marker consists of 0-3 spaces of initial indent, plus (a) the character > together with a following space, or (b) a single character > not followed by a space.

The following rules define block quotes:

  1. Basic case. If a string of lines Ls constitute a sequence of blocks Bs, then the result of prepending a block quote marker to the beginning of each line in Ls is a block quote containing Bs.

  2. Laziness. If a string of lines Ls constitute a block quote with contents Bs, then the result of deleting the initial block quote marker from one or more lines in which the next non-whitespace character after the block quote marker is paragraph continuation text is a block quote with Bs as its content. Paragraph continuation text is text that will be parsed as part of the content of a paragraph, but does not occur at the beginning of the paragraph.

  3. Consecutiveness. A document cannot contain two block quotes in a row unless there is a blank line between them.

Nothing else counts as a block quote.

See also

Other container block functions: md_bullet(), md_list(), md_order(), md_task()


md_quote("Give me liberty, or give me death!")
#> > Give me liberty, or give me death!
#> > The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks.
#> > Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.
#> > It's easy to tell the depth of a well.