The current and projected score for each ongoing match.

live_scoring(leagueId = ffl_id(), yetToPlay = FALSE, bonusWin = FALSE, ...)



Numeric league ID or ESPN fantasy page URL. Defaults to getOption("fflr.leagueId"). Function fails if no ID is found.


If TRUE, pro_schedule() and the "mRoster" view are called to determine how many starting players have yet to start playing.


If TRUE, a logical column bonusWin will be added containing TRUE values for teams who are projected to score in the top half of points this week. This is a way to project the "bonus win" optional setting added in 2022.


Additional queries passed to httr::GET(). Arguments are converted to a named list and passed to query alongside view.


A data frame of scores by period.

See also

Other scoring functions: tidy_scores()


live_scoring(leagueId = "42654852", yetToPlay = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   currentMatchupPeriod matchupId teamId abbrev totalPointsLive
#>                  <int>     <int>  <int> <fct>            <dbl>
#> 1                    1         1      1 AUS                  1
#> 2                    1         1      3 CHI                  0
#> 3                    1         2      2 BOS                  1
#> 4                    1         2      4 DEN                  0
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: totalProjectedPointsLive <dbl>