The teams in a league and their owners.

league_members(leagueId = ffl_id(), leagueHistory = FALSE, ...)



Numeric league ID or ESPN fantasy page URL. Defaults to getOption("fflr.leagueId"). Function fails if no ID is found.


logical; Should the leagueHistory version of the API be called? If TRUE, a list of results is returned, with one element for each historical year of the league.


Additional queries passed to httr::GET(). Arguments are converted to a named list and passed to query alongside view.


A dataframe (or list) with league members.


league_members(leagueId = "42654852")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   memberId        displayName firstName lastName isLeagueCreator isLeagueManager
#>   <chr>           <chr>       <chr>     <chr>    <lgl>           <lgl>          
#> 1 {22DFE7FF-9DF2… K5cents     Kiernan   Nicholls TRUE            FALSE