Convert the SubRip file format to a tabular data frame of times and text.

read_srt(path, collapse = "\n")



A path or connection to an .srt file.


The character with which to separate subtitle lines.


A data frame of subtitles.


The SubRip format is a newline-separated, non-tabular text file with groups of subtitle text separated by a newline character and preceded by an index and a timestamp string containing the length of the spoken subtitle text. These components (index, time, text) can be parsed individually and combined into a data frame of subtitle groups.


# read linear text to tabular data
read_srt(srt_example(), collapse = " ")
#> # A tibble: 2,268 × 4
#>        n start   end subtitle                           
#>    <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                              
#>  1     1  85.2  88.0 I owe everything to George Bailey. 
#>  2     2  88.4  90.3 Help him, dear Father.             
#>  3     3  90.7  93.7 Joseph, Jesus and Mary,            
#>  4     4  93.8  96.4 help my friend Mr. Bailey.         
#>  5     5  96.9  99.5 Help my son George tonight.        
#>  6     6 100.  102.  He never thinks about himself, God.
#>  7     7 102.  104.  That's why he's in trouble.        
#>  8     8 104.  105.  George is a good guy.              
#>  9     9 106.  108.  Give him a break, God.             
#> 10    10 108.  110.  I love him, dear Lord.             
#> # ℹ 2,258 more rows