Returns next train arrival information for one or more stations. Will return an empty set of results when no predictions are available. Use "All" for the StationCodes parameter to return predictions for all stations.

next_train(StationCodes = NULL, api_key = wmata_key())


A tibble 1 row per arrival with 9 variables:


Number of cars on a train, usually 6 or 8, but might also NA.


Abbreviated version of the final destination for a train. This is similar to what is displayed on the signs at stations.

Destination station code. Can be NA. Use this value in other rail-related APIs to retrieve data about a station.

When DestinationCode is populated, this is the full name of the destination station, as shown on the WMATA website.


Denotes the track this train is on, but does not necessarily equate to Track 1 or Track 2. With the exception of terminal stations, predictions at the same station with different Group values refer to trains on different tracks.


Two-letter abbreviation for the line (e.g.: RD, BL, YL, OR, GR, or SV). May also be NA for trains with no passengers.


Station code for where the train is arriving. Useful when passing in All as the StationCodes parameter. Use this value in other rail-related APIs to retrieve data about a station.


Full name of the station where the train is arriving. Useful when passing in "All" as the StationCodes parameter.


Minutes until arrival. Can be a numeric value, 0 (arriving), -1 (boarding), or NA.



Character vector of station codes. For all predictions, use NULL (default) or "All".


Subscription key which provides access to this API. Defaults Sys.getenv("WMATA_KEY") via wmata_key().


Data frame of train arrivals.


For terminal stations (e.g.: Greenbelt, Shady Grove, etc.), predictions may be displayed twice.

Some stations have two platforms (e.g.: Gallery Place, Fort Totten, L'Enfant Plaza, and Metro Center). To retrieve complete predictions for these stations, be sure to pass in both StationCodes.

For trains with no passengers, the DestinationName will be "No Passenger".


if (FALSE) {
next_train(StationCodes = c("A02", "B02"))