Create the link labels that can latter be referred to with a link reference from md_reference().

md_label(text, label, ..., .name = FALSE)



The text in the document to be hyperlinked.


A link label that is referenced elsewhere in the document.


A sequence of label = "text" named vector pairs. If any such pairs are provided, .name will be considered TRUE.


logical; if TRUE, the pairs in ... will be used instead of any values supplied to x and url.


A single glue vector of length equal to that of label and url, with elements the concatenated arguments.


A link label begins with a left bracket and ends with the first right bracket that is not backslash-escaped. Between these brackets there must be at least one non-whitespace character.

See also

Other leaf block functions: md_blank(), md_chunk(), md_fence(), md_heading(), md_indent(), md_paragraph(), md_reference(), md_rule(), md_setext(), md_table()


md_label(CRAN = "The CRAN website")
#> [The CRAN website][CRAN]
md_label(text = c("one", "two"), label = 1:2)
#> [one][1]
#> [two][2]